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Mr. Charles Adino

Mr. Charles Adino

Graduate Assistant - Assist Coordinate Farm, Laboratory and Office activities

Charles is currently pursuing MSc Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management from the same institution.

Charles has worked on edible insects particularly Crickets and Black Soldier fly since 2012 when he was admitted in JOOUST. He has vast experience on Cricket and Black soldier rearing and value addition owing to the fact that he closely worked with the Projects’ Principal Investigator in Flying Food Project, Greeinsect and INSEFOODS at different capacities. His research interests include Economic Efficiency of Edible Insects, Nutritional Potential of Edible Insects and Policy Analysis on use of Insects as Food and Feeds.

His roles in INSEFOODS include assisting coordinate farm, laboratories and office activities.     

Charles is driven by the belief that Africa has the potential to solve its challenges of Food Insecurity and his contribution in generating novel Agricultural Information is pivotal to achieving this.

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Africa Center of Excellence in Sustainable Use of Insects as Food and Feeds (INSEFOODS)

Bondo (Main) Campus P.O. Box 210 - 40601 Bondo – Kenya.


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