AMEKA CALEB MIKHALICountry: Kenya Research Interest: Identification of edible termites, rearing and processing for food and feed in western Kenya.
EMILLY AWUOR OKELLOCountry: Kenya Research Interests.:Crop Protection, Biological control of insects, Mass rearing of insects.
FEDHA MONICAH SALANOCountry: Kenya Research interest: Food Science and Nutrition Perspective of Edible insects.
MAGRARET ORENGO KABABUCountry: Kenya Research Interests: Crop protection, Integrated Pest Management, Production and utilization of insects as food.
MAKOKHA DEREK WAMBULWACountry: Kenya Research Interest: insect-plant relationships in agroecological stability.
MISIKO FLORENCE MONICAHCountry: Kenya Research interest: Food Science and Nutrition Perspective of Edible insects.
SUSAN MELLAINIE NGALOCountry: Kenya Research interest: Use of insect Larvae in broiler chicken feed as protein.
VICTOR NGAIRACountry: Kenya Research Interest: Use of insects as a source of crude protein for commercial chicken concentrates.