ABOUT PhD. In Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture
This programme is designed for advancement and maintenance of a world-class leadership role in the quest for knowledge by way of quality research, capacity building and innovative approaches in order to contribute to modern agricultural sector for food security and secure livelihoods through effective public-private partnership.- Admission Requirements
- Philosophy of the Programme
- Rationale of the Programme
- Goal of the Programme
- Expected Learning Outcomes
- Academic organization of the programmes
- Management and Administration of the Programme
- Units Distribution
JOOUST criteria for Doctorate admission requirements (JOOUST Statutes 2013) shall apply:
Candidates wishing to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy in Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture programme at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology must meet the following requirements;
- Have appropriate preparatory academic training as evidenced by at least one of the following:
- Be a holder of a Masters Degree in Agricultural and Food Sciences of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology
- Be a holder of a Masters Degree in Agricultural and Food sciences or an equivalent academic qualification from any other recognized institution.
- Fulfill specific requirements as may be stipulated by the respective Department,
School/Institute with regard to the field of study.
This programme is designed for advancement and maintenance of a world-class leadership role in the quest for knowledge by way of quality research, capacity building and innovative approaches in order to contribute to modern agricultural sector for food security and secure livelihoods through effective public-private partnership.
A degradation has been on the increase in Africa. Due to a number of factors such as unsustainable food production practices, a reduction to production, climate change, and inadequate skilled personnel, food insecurity situation has worsened in the last few decades creating uncertainties and pressures on current food and economic systems. Several strategies have been developed to combat food insecurity: including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , Medium Term Plans (MTPs) , Vision 2030 and Constitution of Kenya 2010. However, there is a dire need to train skilled professionals in food security and sustainable agriculture. The program is therefore designed to develop capacity for innovative research and technology development in food security and suitable agriculture with a particular emphasis in insect value chain as an emerging food resource. Insects reproduce quickly and have high growth and feed conversion rates and low environmental impact. Insects have high protein content and this provides an alternative from the conventional sources such as beef which require high investments. In the development of this program, various stakeholders were involved including community, government agencies, industry, research institutions and institutions of higher learning.
The programme will develop human and infrastructural capacity for innovative research, training, technology development and transfer in Insect value chain as a contribution to Food Security and sustainable Agriculture for use as a food resource.
On successful completion of the program the students should be able to:
- Analyze and evaluate model policy intervention scenarios for food security and sustainable agriculture for improved policy intervention and livelihoods.
- Examine and appreciate integration of theories of entrepreneurship and marketing for analysis of agricultural value chain.
- Demonstrate capacity for competitive research and technology development for food security and sustainable agriculture.
- Explore and utilize innovative extension approaches for promotion of agricultural technologies.
The PhD programme will normally take three years undertaken by Coursework, Examination and Thesis. Students shall be required to take two Semesters of Course work in the first year comprising three units per semester. In the second and third year the students will concentrate on Research and Thesis writing.
Courses shall be offered in units. A course unit is defined as that part of a semester subject described by coherent syllabus and taught normally over a period of a semester. It is designated as a total of 45 Hours. For this purpose, one 1-hour lecture is equivalent to 2-hours tutorial or 3-hours practical or any combination as may be approved by the Board of the School of Agricultural and Food Sciences.
- Lecturers from the School of Agricultural and Food Sciences as well as from other JOOUST Schools teaching full time will provide lectures and monitor class tutorials. Where such approach is inadequate, qualified part time lecturers will be recruited to support the proposed programme. In addition, lecturers from collaborating universities and research institutions both within and without Kenya, especially in Africa, will be engaged in the Programme as visiting or exchange staff.
- Regular Program review, relevant stakeholders’ reviews, departmental and regular School boards, course evaluation, external examiners and moderation during delivery, university policy on quality, CUE standards, ISO standards.
Year 1 Semester 1
Course Code |
Course Title |
Year 1 Semester 1 |
AFB 6111 |
Characterization and Optimization of Edible Insect Production |
AFB 6112 |
Advanced Statistics and Research Methods |
AFB 6113 |
Sustainable Natural Resource management and Food Security |
Year 1 Semester 2 |
AFB 6121 |
Innovative extension approaches and Technology uptake |
AFB 6122 |
Advanced Entrepreneurship and Agricultural value chain mapping |
AFB 6123 |
Graduate seminars |
Year 2 Semester 1 |
AFB 6211 |
Research Thesis I |
Year 2 Semester 2 |
AFB 6221 |
Research Thesis II |
Year 3 Semester 1 |
AFB 6221 |
Research Thesis II |
Year 3 Semester 2 |
AFB 6221 |
Research Thesis II |
Featured Lecturers
Featured Students
Research Interest: Identification of edible termites, rearing and processing for food and feed in western Kenya.
Research interest: Food Science and Nutrition Perspective of Edible insects.
Research Interests: Crop protection, Integrated Pest Management, Production and utilization of insects as food.